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obnoxious - odvratno

  1. The obnoxious smell coming from the garbage bin made everyone cover their noses.

    • Odvratan miris koji dolazi iz kontejnera naterao je sve da prekriju nosove.
  2. The obnoxious customer yelled at the waiter for no reason.

    • Odvratan gost je vikao na konobara bez ikakvog razloga.
  3. His obnoxious behavior at the party made everyone uncomfortable.

    • Njegovo odvratno ponašanje na zabavi je učinilo da se svi osećaju nelagodno.
  4. She found his constant bragging obnoxious and irritating.

    • Smatrala je da je njegovo stalno hvalisanje odvratno i iritantno.
  5. The obnoxious kids were running around and causing chaos in the store.

    • Odvratna deca su trčkarala i pravila haos u prodavnici.
  6. His obnoxious jokes crossed the line of decency.

    • Njegove odvratne šale su prešle granicu pristojnosti.
  7. The obnoxious music blaring from the neighbor's house kept everyone awake.

    • Odvratna muzika koja je tutnjila iz kuće komšije je držala sve budnima.
  8. Her obnoxious laughter echoed through the room, drawing attention to herself.

    • Njen odvratan smeh je odjekivao kroz prostoriju, privlačeći pažnju na sebe.
  9. The obnoxious comments he made about her appearance were hurtful and disrespectful.

    • Njegovi odvratni komentari o njenom izgledu su bili povredljivi i nepoštovani.
  10. The obnoxious driver honked his horn incessantly, causing frustration among other drivers.

    • Odvratni vozač je neprestano svirao trubu, izazivajući frustraciju među ostalim vozačima.


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