Thursday, June 29, 2023

C1 - Class 01

1 The explorer had to abandon his mission due to harsh weather conditions.

2 The test results revealed an abnormality in the patient's bloodwork.

3 We were excited to go aboard the cruise ship and set sail on our vacation.

4 The debate over abortion rights continues to spark heated discussions.

5 The sponge quickly absorbs any liquid it comes into contact with.

6 It is important to raise awareness about child abuse and work towards its prevention.

7 Pressing the accelerator pedal caused the car to accelerate rapidly.

8 Meeting deadlines is an essential part of maintaining acceptable work performance.

9 The athlete's acceptance of the award was met with cheers and applause.

10 His proposal was accepted by the committee, and he was given the green light to proceed.

11 The necklace was the perfect accessory to complement her evening gown.

12 The renowned artist received acclaimed reviews for his latest masterpiece.

13 With determination and hard work, she was able to accomplish her long-term goals.

14 Over the years, she managed to accumulate a vast collection of rare books.

15 The false accusation caused significant damage to his reputation.

16 Having lived in the city for years, she was accustomed to the bustling urban lifestyle.

17 He took a moment to acknowledge the efforts of his team and express his gratitude.

18 Meeting new people and making acquaintances is an enjoyable part of traveling.

19 Regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential for an active lifestyle.

20 The adaptation of the novel into a movie received mixed reviews from critics.

21 Video games can be highly addictive and can consume a significant amount of one's time.

22 Please provide your current address so that we can send you the package.

23 The administration is working on implementing new policies to improve efficiency.

24 The administrative staff is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the company.

25 The network administrator is in charge of maintaining the organization's computer systems.

26 As an adult, you have the freedom to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your actions.

27 She sought advice from a financial adviser to help her plan for retirement.

28 The neighborhood is known for its affluent residents and luxurious homes.

29 The new housing development offers affordable options for first-time homebuyers.

30 The agency provides support services to individuals with disabilities.

31 Let's discuss the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

32 His aggression towards his coworkers created a hostile work environment.

33 The aggressive dog lunged at the mailman, causing him to drop his packages.

34 I agree with your proposal and think it's a great idea.

35 The humanitarian aid organization is providing food and medical assistance to the affected areas.

36 The loud alarm alerted everyone in the building to evacuate immediately.

37 The sudden increase in crime rates is alarming for the community.

38 Stay alert and vigilant while walking alone at night.

39 The politician denied the allegation of corruption made against him.

40 The alleged thief was caught on surveillance cameras stealing from the store.

41 The company will allocate additional funds for research and development.

42 The teacher will allow the students to use calculators during the exam.

43 My parents give me a weekly allowance to manage my expenses.

44 The two countries decided to become allies and support each other in times of need.

45 The new building will be constructed alongside the existing one.

46 The alteration in the schedule caused some confusion among the team members.

47 We can take turns driving and alternate between the two drivers.

48 He is just an amateur photographer but has a great passion for capturing beautiful moments.

49 The proposed amendment to the constitution will be voted on next week.

50 Amid the chaos, she managed to find her way to the exit.

51 Among the many applicants, she stood out with her impressive qualifications.

52 The spacious living room provides ample space for gatherings and parties.

53 His analytical skills helped him solve complex problems.

54 He adjusted the camera angle to capture the perfect shot.

55 The constant noise from the construction site was a source of annoyance for the residents.

56 I anticipate that there will be traffic on the highway during rush hour.

57 His anti-social behavior made it difficult for him to make friends.

58 Anyhow, we managed to finish the project on time.

59 The conditions in the refugee camp were appalling, with inadequate sanitation and food.

60 The solution to the problem became apparent after careful analysis.

61 The charity's heartfelt appeal for donations touched the hearts of many.

62 After a long day of hiking, my appetite was insatiable, and I devoured a hearty meal.

63 The audience erupted in applause to show their appreciation for the talented performer.

64 The thunderous applause filled the concert hall, echoing long after the music ended.

65 The new kitchen appliance made cooking much easier and more efficient.

66 I decided to apply for the job because it aligns with my skills and career goals.

67 They will appoint a new manager to lead the team and oversee the project.

68 The archaeologist discovered ancient artifacts that shed light on the region's history.

69 Archaeology is the study of human history through the excavation and analysis of material remains.

70 Difficulties can arise when different opinions and perspectives clash.

71 The arrival of the guests brought an air of excitement to the party.

72 Art has the power to evoke emotions and challenge our perceptions.

73 She confidently asserted her point of view during the debate.

74 Real estate can be a valuable asset that appreciates in value over time.

75 The teacher will assign a research assignment to each student.

76 She is an accomplished archaeologist with extensive field experience.

77 Assumptions should be based on evidence rather than mere speculation.

78 The company provided assurance that the product was of high quality and reliable.

79 I assure you that everything will be taken care of according to plan.

80 His strong leadership qualities and dedication make him an ideal candidate for the role.

81 The army launched a surprise attack on the enemy's stronghold.

82 With hard work and dedication, she was able to attain her goals and achieve success.

83 The concert had a high attendance, with people from all walks of life coming to enjoy the music.

84 The rare painting was sold at a highly anticipated auction, fetching a record-breaking price.

85 She nervously prepared for her dance audition, hoping to impress the judges.

86 The antique vase was determined to be authentic, dating back to the 18th century.

87 The government has the authority to enforce laws and regulations.

88 Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the restricted area.

89 Main Street is a popular avenue lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes.

90 The average temperature in that region during summer is around 30 degrees Celsius.

91 The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of recycling.

92 He packed his bags and drove away, leaving behind his old life.

93 Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can cause various infections and illnesses.

94 The food at that restaurant was really bad; I couldn't even finish my meal.

95 The company faced financial difficulties and eventually went bankrupt.

96 Basically, the concept revolves around simplicity and minimalism.

97 The research is conducted on the basis of extensive data and analysis.

98 The bird's beak is well-adapted for cracking open nuts and seeds.

99 Despite the challenges, she managed to bear the weight of responsibility with grace.

100 The drummer set the rhythm, and the band followed his beat.

1 Istraživač je morao napustiti svoju misiju zbog teških vremenskih uslova.

2 Rezultati testa otkrili su nenormalnost u pacijentovoj krvnoj slici.

3 Bili smo uzbuđeni da se ukrcamo na brod za krstarenje i zaplovimo na naš odmor.

4 Rasprava o pravima na pobačaj i dalje izaziva žučne diskusije.

5 Spužva brzo apsorbuje svaku tečnost sa kojom dođe u dodir.

6 Važno je podići svijest o zlostavljanju djece i raditi na njegovoj prevenciji.

7 Pritisak papučice gasa uzrokovao je brzo ubrzanje automobila.

8 Poštovanje rokova je važan dio održavanja prihvatljive radne izvedbe.

9 Prihvatanje nagrade od strane sportiste dočekano je ovacijama i aplauzom.

10 Njegov prijedlog je prihvaćen od strane komiteta i dobio je zeleno svjetlo za nastavak.

11 Ogrlica je savršen dodatak koji je upotpunio njenu večernju haljinu.

12 Proslavljeni umjetnik dobio je pohvale za svoje najnovije remek-djelo.

13 Sa odlučnošću i napornim radom uspjela je postići svoje dugoročne ciljeve.

14 Tokom godina uspjela je nakupiti ogromnu kolekciju rijetkih knjiga.

15 Lažna optužba nanijela je znatnu štetu njegovom ugledu.

16 Nakon što je godinama živela u gradu, navikla je na užurban način života.

17 Uzeo je trenutak da prizna napore svog tima i izrazi svoju zahvalnost.

18 Upoznavanje novih ljudi i stvaranje poznanstava je uživanje koje pruža putovanje.

19 Redovna vježba i zdrava ishrana su ključni za aktivan način života.

20 Adaptacija romana u film dobila je mješovite kritike od strane kritičara.

21 Video igre mogu biti veoma ovisne i mogu zauzeti značajan dio nečijeg vremena.

22 Molim vas da pružite vašu trenutnu adresu kako bismo vam mogli poslati paket.

23 Administracija radi na implementaciji novih politika radi poboljšanja efikasnosti.

24 Administrativno osoblje je odgovorno za upravljanje svakodnevnim poslovanjem kompanije.

25 Mrežni administrator je zadužen za održavanje računarskih sistema organizacije.

26 Kao odrasla osoba, imate slobodu donositi vlastite odluke i snositi odgovornost za svoje postupke.

27 Zatražila je savjet od finansijskog savjetnika kako bi joj pomogao u planiranju za penziju.

28 Kvart je poznat po imućnim stanovnicima i luksuznim kućama.

29 Novi stambeni projekat nudi pristupačne opcije za prve kupce nekretnina.

30 Agencija pruža podršku osobama sa invaliditetom.

31 Hajde da razgovaramo o dnevnom redu za sutrašnji sastanak.

32 Njegova agresivnost prema kolegama stvorila je neprijateljsko radno okruženje.

33 Agresivni pas je napao poštara, prisiljavajući ga da ispusti pakete.

34 Saglasan sam sa tvojim prijedlogom i mislim da je sjajna ideja.

35 Humanitarna organizacija pruža hranu i medicinsku pomoć pogođenim područjima.

36 Glasni alarm je upozorio sve u zgradi da odmah evakuišu.

37 Nagli porast stopa kriminala je alarmantan za zajednicu.

38 Budite budni i oprezni dok hodate sami noću.

39 Političar je porekao optužbu za korupciju koja je iznesena protiv njega.

40 Navodni kradljivac je uhvaćen na sigurnosnim kamerama kako krade iz prodavnice.

41 Kompanija će dodeliti dodatna sredstva za istraživanje i razvoj.

42 Nastavnik će dozvoliti učenicima da koriste kalkulatore tokom ispita.

43 Moji roditelji mi daju nedeljnu nadoknadu da upravljam svojim troškovima.

44 Dve zemlje su odlučile da postanu saveznici i podržavaju jedna drugu u vremenima potrebe.

45 Nova zgrada će biti izgrađena pored postojeće.

46 Promena u rasporedu izazvala je neke pometnje među članovima tima.

47 Možemo se smenjivati u vožnji i izmenjivati se između dva vozača.

48 On je samo amaterski fotograf, ali ima veliku strast za zabeležavanje prelepog trenutka.

49 Predložena izmena Ustava će se glasati sledeće nedelje.

50 U sred haosa, uspela je da pronađe put do izlaza.

51 Među mnogim kandidatima, istakla se svojim impresivnim kvalifikacijama.

52 Prostrani dnevni boravak pruža dovoljno prostora za okupljanja i zabave.

53 Njegove analitičke veštine pomogle su mu da reši kompleksne probleme.

54 On je podesio ugao kamere da bi uhvatio savršenu fotografiju.

55 Stalna buka sa gradilišta izazivala je neprijatnost stanovnicima.

56 Predviđam da će biti gužve na autoputu tokom špica.

57 Njegovo anti-društveno ponašanje otežalo mu je sticanje prijatelja.

58 U svakom slučaju, uspeli smo da završimo projekat na vreme.

59 Uslovi u izbegličkom kampu bili su užasni, sa neodgovarajućom sanitarnom i prehrambenom situacijom.

60 Rešenje problema postalo je očigledno nakon pažljive analize.

61 Apel za donacije koje je organizacija uputila dirnuo je mnoga srca.

62 Nakon dugog dana planinarenja, moj apetit bio je nezasitan, pa sam se prejedao obilnim obrokom.

63 Publika je zapljeskala oduševljeno, izražavajući svoju zahvalnost talentiranom izvođaču.

64 Gromoglasni aplauz ispunio je koncertnu dvoranu, odjekujući dugo nakon što je glazba utihnula.

65 Novi kućanski aparat olakšao je kuhanje i učinio ga efikasnijim.

66 Odlučio sam se prijaviti za posao jer se uklapa u moje vještine i karijerne ciljeve.

67 Imenovat će novog menadžera koji će voditi tim i nadgledati projekt.

68 Arheolog je otkrio drevne artefakte koji su rasvijetlili povijest tog područja.

69 Arheologija je proučavanje ljudske povijesti kroz iskopavanje i analizu materijalnih ostataka.

70 Problemi se mogu pojaviti kada se sukobljavaju različita mišljenja i perspektive.

71 Dolazak gostiju unio je uzbuđenje u zabavu.

72 Umjetnost ima moć izazvati emocije i izazvati naše percepcije.

73 Samouvjereno je istaknula svoje stajalište tijekom debate.

74 Nekretnina može biti vrijedna imovina koja se s vremenom valorizira.

75 Nastavnik će svakom učeniku dodijeliti istraživački zadatak.

76 Ona je iskusna arheologinja s bogatim terenskim iskustvom.

77 Pretpostavke bi trebale biti temeljene na dokazima, a ne samo na nagađanjima.

78 Tvrtka je pružila jamstvo da je proizvod visoke kvalitete i pouzdan.

79 Uvjeren sam da će sve biti obavljeno prema planu.

80 Njegove snažne vođstvene sposobnosti i predanost čine ga idealnim kandidatom za tu ulogu.

81 Vojska je izvela iznenađujući napad na neprijateljsku utvrdu.

82 Sa napornim radom i posvećenošću, uspela je da ostvari svoje ciljeve i postigne uspeh.

83 Koncert je imao visoku posetu, sa ljudima iz svih sfera života koji su došli da uživaju u muzici.

84 Retka slika je prodata na dugo očekivanoj aukciji, dostižući rekordnu cenu.

85 Ona je nervozno pripremala svoj plesni audiciju, nadajući se da će impresionirati sudije.

86 Antika vaza je utvrđena kao autentična, potiče iz 18. veka.

87 Vlada ima autoritet da sprovodi zakone i propise.

88 Samo ovlašćeno osoblje ima pristup ograničenom području.

89 Glavna ulica je popularna avenija sa prodavnicama, restoranima i kafićima duž nje.

90 Prosečna temperatura u tom regionu tokom leta iznosi oko 30 stepeni Celzijusa.

91 Kampanja ima za cilj podizanje svesti o važnosti recikliranja.

92 On je spakovao svoje stvari i otišao, ostavljajući iza sebe svoj stari život.

93 Bakterije su mikroskopski organizmi koji mogu izazvati razne infekcije i bolesti.

94 Hrana u tom restoranu je bila stvarno loša; Nisam mogao ni završiti obrok.

95 Kompanija se suočila sa finansijskim teškoćama i na kraju je bankrotirala.

96 U osnovi, koncept se vrti oko jednostavnosti i minimalizma.

97 Istraživanje se sprovodi na osnovu obimnih podataka i analiza.

98 Kljun ptice je dobro prilagođen za otvaranje oraha i semenki.

99 Uprkos izazovima, uspela je da nosi teret odgovornosti sa gracioznošću.

100 Bubnjar je postavio ritam, a bend je sledio njegovu melodiju. (Note: The translation for the last sentence is missing. I apologize for the oversight.)

Sunday, June 25, 2023

foster - negovati

  1. The organization works to foster a sense of community among its members.

    • Organizacija radi na negovanju osećaja zajedništva među svojim članovima.
  2. The teacher's role is to foster a love for learning in students.

    • Uloga nastavnika je da neguje ljubav prema učenju kod učenika.
  3. The program aims to foster creativity and innovation in young entrepreneurs.

    • Program ima za cilj da neguje kreativnost i inovativnost kod mladih preduzetnika.
  4. The family decided to foster a child who needed a loving and supportive home.

    • Porodica je odlučila da usvoji dete koje je trebalo ljubazan i podržavajući dom.
  5. The company provides training programs to foster professional growth among its employees.

    • Kompanija pruža obuke kako bi negovala profesionalni rast među svojim zaposlenima.
  6. The government is working to foster economic development in rural areas.

    • Vlada radi na negovanju ekonomskog razvoja u ruralnim područjima.
  7. The mentor's role is to foster the talents and skills of their mentees.

    • Uloga mentora je da neguje talente i veštine svojih mentoriranih osoba.
  8. The organization partners with local schools to foster educational opportunities for underprivileged children.

    • Organizacija sarađuje sa lokalnim školama kako bi negovala obrazovne mogućnosti za decu u neprivilegovanom položaju.
  9. The art program aims to foster an appreciation for different forms of artistic expression.

    • Program umetnosti ima za cilj da neguje cenjenje različitih oblika umetničkog izraza.
  10. The government has implemented policies to foster a sustainable environment.

    • Vlada je sprovela politike kako bi negovala održivo okruženje.

accountable - odgovaran


  1. It's important to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions.

    • Važno je da smo odgovorni za svoje postupke i odluke.
  2. The government should be accountable to the people it serves.

    • Vlada treba da bude odgovorna prema ljudima koje služi.
  3. The manager held the team members accountable for meeting their deadlines.

    • Menadžer je stavio članove tima na odgovornost za ispunjavanje rokova.
  4. A responsible leader takes ownership and holds themselves accountable for their team's performance.

    • Odgovorni lider preuzima odgovornost i drži sebe odgovornim za performanse svog tima.
  5. The company has a culture of accountability, where employees take responsibility for their work.

    • Kompanija ima kulturu odgovornosti, gde zaposleni preuzimaju odgovornost za svoj rad.
  6. Parents play a crucial role in teaching children to be accountable for their actions.

    • Roditelji igraju ključnu ulogu u učenju dece da budu odgovorni za svoje postupke.
  7. The CEO is accountable to the board of directors for the company's performance.

    • Izvršni direktor je odgovoran nadzornom odboru za performanse kompanije.
  8. The project manager held each team member accountable for their specific tasks.

    • Vođa projekta je stavio svakog člana tima na odgovornost za njihove specifične zadatke.
  9. In a healthy relationship, both partners are accountable for their words and actions.

    • U zdravom odnosu, oba partnera su odgovorna za svoje reči i postupke.
  10. The company implemented a system to track and ensure accountability for expenses.

    • Kompanija je uvela sistem praćenja i obezbeđivanja odgovornosti za troškove.

amenities - pogodnosti


  1. The hotel offers various amenities such as a swimming pool, fitness center, and spa.

    • Hotel nudi različite pogodnosti kao što su bazen, fitness centar i spa.
  2. The apartment complex has a range of amenities, including a playground and a clubhouse.

    • Stambeni kompleks ima razne pogodnosti, uključujući dečje igralište i klubsku prostoriju.
  3. The neighborhood boasts several amenities, such as parks, shopping centers, and restaurants.

    • Kvart se može pohvaliti nekoliko pogodnosti, kao što su parkovi, tržni centri i restorani.
  4. The hotel room had modern amenities such as a flat-screen TV and complimentary Wi-Fi.

    • Hotelska soba je imala moderne pogodnosti kao što su televizor sa ravnom ekranom i besplatni Wi-Fi.
  5. The apartment comes with all the necessary amenities, including a fully equipped kitchen.

    • Stan dolazi sa svim potrebnim pogodnostima, uključujući potpuno opremljenu kuhinju.
  6. The resort offers a wide range of amenities, including a golf course and a spa.

    • Resort nudi širok spektar pogodnosti, uključujući teren za golf i spa.
  7. The gym has state-of-the-art amenities such as modern exercise equipment and saunas.

    • Teretana ima najmodernije pogodnosti kao što su moderna rekvizita za vežbanje i saune.
  8. The apartment building has amenities like a rooftop terrace and a 24-hour concierge service.

    • Zgrada apartmana ima pogodnosti poput terase na krovu i usluge 24-satnog koncijerža.
  9. The hotel's amenities include a business center, conference rooms, and a restaurant.

    • Hotelske pogodnosti uključuju poslovni centar, konferencijske sale i restoran.
  10. The vacation rental offers amenities such as a private pool, BBQ area, and outdoor seating.

    • Apartman za odmor nudi pogodnosti poput privatnog bazena, prostora za roštiljanje i spoljnog sedenja.

A1 - Class 01

  Hello! How are you? : Zdravo! Kako si? Good morning! : Dobro jutro! Good afternoon! : Dobar dan! Good evening! : Dobro veče! Good night...