Sunday, June 25, 2023

doubts - sumnja

  1.  I have serious doubts about his ability to complete the project on time.
  2. She expressed her doubts about the accuracy of the information provided.
  3. Despite initial doubts, he decided to pursue his dream of becoming a musician.
  4. The teacher clarified the concept to clear any doubts the students might have had.
  5. His confident presentation dispelled any doubts the investors had about the viability of the business.
  6. I have my doubts about the sincerity of his apology.
  7. The team's recent success has helped dispel any doubts about their capabilities.
  8. She had doubts about her decision to move to a new city, but she eventually embraced the change.
  9. The survey results cast doubt on the effectiveness of the current marketing strategy.
  10. He couldn't shake off his doubts and kept second-guessing his choices.

  1. Imam ozbiljne sumnje u njegovu sposobnost da završi projekat na vreme.
  2. Izrazila je svoje sumnje u tačnost pruženih informacija.
  3. Uprkos početnim sumnjama, odlučio je da se upusti u ostvarenje svog sna da postane muzičar.
  4. Nastavnik je objasnio koncept kako bi otklonio svaku sumnju koju bi učenici mogli imati.
  5. Njegova samouverena prezentacija otklonila je svaku sumnju koju su investitori imali u održivost poslovanja.
  6. Imam sumnje u iskrenost njegovog izvinjenja.
  7. Nedavni uspeh tima pomogao je da se otklone svake sumnje u njihove sposobnosti.
  8. Imala je sumnje u svoju odluku o selidbi u novi grad, ali na kraju je prihvatila promene.
  9. Rezultati ankete dovode u pitanje efektivnost trenutne marketinške strategije.
  10. Nije mogao da se oslobodi sumnji i neprestano je preispitivao svoje izbore.


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