I like to indulge in a warm bubble bath after a long day.
- Uživam u toplom kupanju sa mehurićima nakon dugog dana.
Let's indulge in a delicious dessert after dinner.
- Hajde da se posladimo ukusnim desertom posle večere.
She decided to indulge herself with a spa day for some pampering.
- Odlučila je da sebi priušti dan u spa centru kako bi se malo razmazila.
I occasionally indulge in a guilty pleasure by binge-watching my favorite TV show.
- Povremeno se prepustim krivom zadovoljstvu gledajući moju omiljenu TV seriju.
During the vacation, they indulged in various water sports like snorkeling and kayaking.
- Tokom odmora, uživali su u različitim vodenim sportovima poput ronjenja s maskom i veslanja kajakom.
He couldn't resist the temptation and indulged in a shopping spree.
- Nije mogao odoljeti iskušenju i prepustio se šoping ludilu.
The restaurant offers a wide range of decadent desserts to indulge your sweet tooth.
- Restoran nudi širok izbor raskošnih deserata kako bi zadovoljio vašu ljubav prema slatkome.
She decided to indulge in a luxury vacation to a tropical paradise.
- Odlučila je da se prepusti luksuznom odmoru u tropskom raju.
We should take a break and indulge in some self-care activities.
- Trebali bismo se odmoriti i posvetiti se nekim aktivnostima samopomoći.
He likes to indulge in reading a good book on lazy Sunday afternoons.
- Voli da se prepusti čitanju dobre knjige u lenjim nedeljnim popodnevima.
The storm deprived us of electricity for several days. Oluja nas je lišila električne energije nekoliko dana. Poverty should not deprive children of their right to education. Siromaštvo ne sme uskraćivati deci njihovo pravo na obrazovanje. They were deprived of their freedom and kept in captivity. Oni su bili lišeni slobode i držani u zarobljeništvu. The accident deprived him of the ability to walk. Nesreća ga je lišila sposobnosti da hoda. Don't let fear deprive you of experiencing new opportunities. Nemoj dozvoliti strahu da te liši iskustva novih prilika. The dictator's regime deprived its citizens of basic human rights. Režim diktatora je lišio svoje građane osnovnih ljudskih prava. She felt deprived of love and affection in her childhood. Osećala se uskraćenom za ljubav i naklonost u detinjstvu. The economic crisis has deprived many families of their livelihood. Ekonomska kriza je lišila mnoge porodice sredstava za život. Being overprotective can sometimes deprive children...
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