We decided to take a leisurely ramble through the park.
- Odlučili smo da se opušteno prošetamo kroz park.
He tends to ramble when he gets excited, going off on tangents.
- Sklon je da se beskonačno priča kad se uzbuđuje, odlutajući sa teme na temu.
The old man would often ramble about his past adventures.
- Starić bi često monologisao o svojim prošlim avanturama.
We took a scenic ramble along the beach, enjoying the sunset.
- Prošetali smo slikovitim plažom, uživajući u zalasku sunca.
Her thoughts would sometimes ramble, making it hard for others to follow her conversation.
- Njeni misli bi ponekad lutale, otežavajući drugima praćenje njenog razgovora.
The speaker's speech started strong but soon began to ramble and lose focus.
- Govor govornika je počeo snažno, ali je uskoro počeo da luta i gubi fokus.
Let's go for a ramble in the countryside this weekend.
- Hajde da se ovog vikenda prošetamo po selu.
As we wandered through the forest, we allowed ourselves to ramble aimlessly.
- Dok smo lutali kroz šumu, dopustili smo sebi da bez cilja lutanjem.
The writer's thoughts would often ramble onto unrelated topics in his blog posts.
- Misli pisca bi često lutale na nesrodne teme u njegovim blog postovima.
The children went on a playful ramble, exploring the woods behind their house.
- Deca su otišla na veselo lutanje, istražujući šumu iza svoje kuće.
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