It's important to hold ourselves accountable for our actions and decisions.
- Važno je da smo odgovorni za svoje postupke i odluke.
The government should be accountable to the people it serves.
- Vlada treba da bude odgovorna prema ljudima koje služi.
The manager held the team members accountable for meeting their deadlines.
- Menadžer je stavio članove tima na odgovornost za ispunjavanje rokova.
A responsible leader takes ownership and holds themselves accountable for their team's performance.
- Odgovorni lider preuzima odgovornost i drži sebe odgovornim za performanse svog tima.
The company has a culture of accountability, where employees take responsibility for their work.
- Kompanija ima kulturu odgovornosti, gde zaposleni preuzimaju odgovornost za svoj rad.
Parents play a crucial role in teaching children to be accountable for their actions.
- Roditelji igraju ključnu ulogu u učenju dece da budu odgovorni za svoje postupke.
The CEO is accountable to the board of directors for the company's performance.
- Izvršni direktor je odgovoran nadzornom odboru za performanse kompanije.
The project manager held each team member accountable for their specific tasks.
- Vođa projekta je stavio svakog člana tima na odgovornost za njihove specifične zadatke.
In a healthy relationship, both partners are accountable for their words and actions.
- U zdravom odnosu, oba partnera su odgovorna za svoje reči i postupke.
The company implemented a system to track and ensure accountability for expenses.
- Kompanija je uvela sistem praćenja i obezbeđivanja odgovornosti za troškove.
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