- I admire my grandmother for her resilience and strength throughout her life.
- She admires the way he handles difficult situations with grace and composure.
- We all admire the hard work and dedication he puts into his craft.
- I truly admire the selflessness of those who volunteer their time to help others.
- The artist's talent and creativity are truly admirable.
- I admire her determination to achieve her goals, no matter the obstacles.
- He has always been someone I look up to and admire for his integrity.
- The team's performance was admirable, considering the challenging circumstances they faced.
- I greatly admire her ability to stay calm under pressure.
- The way she balances her career and personal life is something to be admired.
- Divim se svojoj baki zbog njenog istrajnosti i snage tokom čitavog života.
- Ona divi se načinu na koji on mirno i smireno rešava teške situacije.
- Svi mi divimo se trudu i predanosti koje on ulaže u svoj rad.
- Istinu divim se nesebičnosti onih koji volontiraju svoje vreme da pomognu drugima.
- Talenat i kreativnost umetnika su zaista divni.
- Divim se njenoj odlučnosti da postigne svoje ciljeve, bez obzira na prepreke.
- Uvek je bio neko koga poštujem i divim se njegovoj ispravnosti.
- Timova izvedba je bila hvale vredna, imajući u vidu izazovne okolnosti sa kojima su se suočili.
- Veliko divljenje izaziva njena sposobnost da ostane mirna pod pritiskom.
- Način na koji usklađuje karijeru i lični život je nešto što treba diviti.
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