The storm deprived us of electricity for several days.
- Oluja nas je lišila električne energije nekoliko dana.
Poverty should not deprive children of their right to education.
- Siromaštvo ne sme uskraćivati deci njihovo pravo na obrazovanje.
They were deprived of their freedom and kept in captivity.
- Oni su bili lišeni slobode i držani u zarobljeništvu.
The accident deprived him of the ability to walk.
- Nesreća ga je lišila sposobnosti da hoda.
Don't let fear deprive you of experiencing new opportunities.
- Nemoj dozvoliti strahu da te liši iskustva novih prilika.
The dictator's regime deprived its citizens of basic human rights.
- Režim diktatora je lišio svoje građane osnovnih ljudskih prava.
She felt deprived of love and affection in her childhood.
- Osećala se uskraćenom za ljubav i naklonost u detinjstvu.
The economic crisis has deprived many families of their livelihood.
- Ekonomska kriza je lišila mnoge porodice sredstava za život.
Being overprotective can sometimes deprive children of valuable learning experiences.
- Prevelika zaštita ponekad može lišiti decu vrednih iskustava učenja.
The illness deprived him of his senses and left him in a state of confusion.
- Bolest ga je lišila čula i ostavila ga u stanju konfuzije.
Sunday, June 25, 2023
deprive - lišiti
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A1 - Class 01
Hello! How are you? : Zdravo! Kako si? Good morning! : Dobro jutro! Good afternoon! : Dobar dan! Good evening! : Dobro veče! Good night...
The storm deprived us of electricity for several days. Oluja nas je lišila električne energije nekoliko dana. Poverty should not deprive chi...
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