The storm deprived us of electricity for several days.
- Oluja nas je lišila električne energije nekoliko dana.
Poverty should not deprive children of their right to education.
- Siromaštvo ne sme uskraćivati deci njihovo pravo na obrazovanje.
They were deprived of their freedom and kept in captivity.
- Oni su bili lišeni slobode i držani u zarobljeništvu.
The accident deprived him of the ability to walk.
- Nesreća ga je lišila sposobnosti da hoda.
Don't let fear deprive you of experiencing new opportunities.
- Nemoj dozvoliti strahu da te liši iskustva novih prilika.
The dictator's regime deprived its citizens of basic human rights.
- Režim diktatora je lišio svoje građane osnovnih ljudskih prava.
She felt deprived of love and affection in her childhood.
- Osećala se uskraćenom za ljubav i naklonost u detinjstvu.
The economic crisis has deprived many families of their livelihood.
- Ekonomska kriza je lišila mnoge porodice sredstava za život.
Being overprotective can sometimes deprive children of valuable learning experiences.
- Prevelika zaštita ponekad može lišiti decu vrednih iskustava učenja.
The illness deprived him of his senses and left him in a state of confusion.
- Bolest ga je lišila čula i ostavila ga u stanju konfuzije.
The flu is highly contagious, spreading quickly from person to person. Grip je veoma zarazan i brzo se širi sa osobe na osobu. Laughter is contagious; one person's laughter can make others start laughing too. Smeh je zarazan; smeh jedne osobe može naterati druge da takođe počnu da se smeju. The contagious yawn from the audience spread throughout the room. Zarazno zijevanje iz publike se proširilo po celoj prostoriji. COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that has caused a global pandemic. COVID-19 je veoma zarazan virus koji je izazvao globalnu pandemiju. Her enthusiasm for the project was contagious, motivating the entire team. Njeno oduševljenje projektom je bilo zarazno i motivisalo celokupni tim. The contagious smile on her face brightened up the room. Zarazan osmeh na njenom licu je razvedrio prostoriju. Negative attitudes can be contagious and bring down the overall morale. Negativni stavovi mogu biti zarazni i smanjiti ukupno raspoloženje. The contagious energy of the conc...
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