The smell of freshly baked cookies was a strong temptation for me.
- Miris sveže pečenih kolača bio je jaka iskušenja za mene.
She resisted the temptation to check her phone during the meeting.
- Otporila je iskušenju da proveri telefon tokom sastanka.
The chocolate cake on the dessert table was too tempting to resist.
- Čokoladna torta na stolu sa dezertima bila je previše primamljiva da se odoli.
He faced the temptation to cheat on the exam but chose to stay honest.
- Stao je pred iskušenje da vara na ispitu, ali je odlučio ostati iskren.
The lure of adventure and exploration was a constant temptation for him.
- Privlačnost avanture i istraživanja bila je stalno iskušenje za njega.
She couldn't resist the temptation to buy that beautiful dress on sale.
- Nije mogla odoljeti iskušenju da kupi tu predivnu haljinu na sniženju.
The tempting aroma of coffee filled the air, making it hard to resist a cup.
- Primamljiv miris kafe ispunio je prostoriju, čineći teškim odoljeti šoljici.
Late-night cravings often lead to giving in to unhealthy temptations.
- Žudnje u kasne sate često vode povlačenju pred nezdravim iskušenjima.
The salesperson used persuasive techniques to create a sense of temptation for the customers.
- Prodavac je koristio ubedljive tehnike kako bi stvorio osećaj iskušenja kod kupaca.
She wrestled with the temptation to quit her job and pursue her passion.
- Borila se s iskušenjem da napusti posao i sledi svoju strast.
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