She took a sneaky glance at her phone during the meeting.
- Bacila je prikriven pogled na telefon tokom sastanka.
The cat made a sneaky move, trying to steal a piece of chicken from the table.
- Mačka je napravila prikriven potez, pokušavajući da ukrade komad piletine sa stola.
He devised a sneaky plan to prank his friends on April Fools' Day.
- Smislio je lukav plan da se našali sa svojim prijateljima na Prvi april.
The spy used a sneaky tactic to gather classified information.
- Špijun je koristio lukavu taktiku da prikupi poverljive informacije.
The student made a sneaky attempt to copy answers during the exam.
- Učenik je pokušao prikriveno da prepisuje odgovore tokom ispita.
The thief made a sneaky entrance into the house through the back door.
- Lopov je napravio prikriven ulazak u kuću kroz zadnja vrata.
She had a sneaky smile on her face, hinting at a mischievous plan.
- Na licu joj se pojavio lukavi osmeh, nagoveštavajući zloban plan.
The politician made sneaky promises to gain votes, but failed to deliver on them.
- Političar je dao lukave obećanja da bi osvojio glasove, ali nije ih ispunio.
The toddler was being sneaky, trying to reach for the cookies on the top shelf.
- Detence je bilo lukavo, pokušavajući da dohvati kekse na gornjoj polici.
The detective followed the suspect's sneaky movements, staying unnoticed.
- Detektiv je pratio lukave pokrete osumnjičenog, ostajući neprimećen.
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