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teasing - šala, zadirkivanje


  1. The children were teasing each other playfully during recess.

    • Deca su se šalila jedno s drugim na školskom odmoru.
  2. She couldn't resist teasing her younger brother about his new haircut.

    • Nije mogla da odoli da zadirkuje mlađeg brata zbog nove frizure.
  3. The comedian engaged in friendly teasing with the audience, creating a lively atmosphere.

    • Komičar se šalio prijateljski sa publikom, stvarajući živu atmosferu.
  4. He was known for his quick wit and talent for clever teasing remarks.

    • Bio je poznat po svojoj brzoj inteligenciji i talentu za duhovite zadirkivačke primedbe.
  5. The siblings enjoyed teasing each other, but they always knew where to draw the line.

    • Braća i sestre su uživali u zadirkivanju jedno drugog, ali uvek su znali gde povući granicu.
  6. She blushed when her crush started teasing her in a lighthearted manner.

    • Pocrvenela je kada je njen simpatija počeo da je zadirkuje na šaljiv način.
  7. The team engaged in playful teasing to lighten the mood before the important match.

    • Tim se zabavljao zadirkivanjem da bi razvedrio atmosferu pre važne utakmice.
  8. The teasing remarks made by her classmates hurt her feelings.

    • Zadirkujuće primedbe koje su izgovorili njeni školski drugovi povredile su je.
  9. The teasing banter between the friends continued throughout the entire road trip.

    • Zadirkujuća šala između prijatelja je nastavljena tokom celog putovanja.
  10. Despite the teasing, they were actually good friends who enjoyed each other's company.

    • Uprkos zadirkivanju, oni su zapravo bili dobri prijatelji koji su uživali u društvu jedno drugog.


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