The injured bird was confined to a small cage for its recovery.
- Povređena ptica je bila zatvorena u malu kavez za oporavak.
Due to the heavy rain, we were confined indoors all day.
- Zbog jakih kiša, bili smo zatvoreni u kući ceo dan.
The prisoner was confined to a small cell for his sentence.
- Zatvorenik je bio zatvoren u maloj ćeliji zbog svoje kazne.
She felt confined in her current job and yearned for new opportunities.
- Osećala se ograničeno na svom trenutnom poslu i čeznula je za novim prilikama.
The patient had to be confined to bed rest after the surgery.
- Pacijent je morao biti ograničen na odmor u krevetu nakon operacije.
The cat felt confined inside the house and longed to explore the outdoors.
- Mačka se osećala ograničeno u kući i čeznula je da istraži spoljni svet.
The artist's creativity was confined by the strict guidelines of the project.
- Kreativnost umetnika je bila ograničena strogo propisanim smernicama projekta.
The city dwellers often feel confined by the fast-paced urban lifestyle.
- Stanovnici grada često se osećaju ograničeno brzim gradskim načinom života.
The hikers were confined to a small tent during the stormy night.
- Planinari su bili zatvoreni u malom šatoru tokom olujne noći.
The pandemic confined people to their homes, leading to feelings of isolation.
- Pandemija je zatvorila ljude u njihove domove, što je izazvalo osećaj izolacije.
Sunday, June 25, 2023
confined - zatvoren, ograničen
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A1 - Class 01
Hello! How are you? : Zdravo! Kako si? Good morning! : Dobro jutro! Good afternoon! : Dobar dan! Good evening! : Dobro veče! Good night...
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