The injured bird was confined to a small cage for its recovery.
- Povređena ptica je bila zatvorena u malu kavez za oporavak.
Due to the heavy rain, we were confined indoors all day.
- Zbog jakih kiša, bili smo zatvoreni u kući ceo dan.
The prisoner was confined to a small cell for his sentence.
- Zatvorenik je bio zatvoren u maloj ćeliji zbog svoje kazne.
She felt confined in her current job and yearned for new opportunities.
- Osećala se ograničeno na svom trenutnom poslu i čeznula je za novim prilikama.
The patient had to be confined to bed rest after the surgery.
- Pacijent je morao biti ograničen na odmor u krevetu nakon operacije.
The cat felt confined inside the house and longed to explore the outdoors.
- Mačka se osećala ograničeno u kući i čeznula je da istraži spoljni svet.
The artist's creativity was confined by the strict guidelines of the project.
- Kreativnost umetnika je bila ograničena strogo propisanim smernicama projekta.
The city dwellers often feel confined by the fast-paced urban lifestyle.
- Stanovnici grada često se osećaju ograničeno brzim gradskim načinom života.
The hikers were confined to a small tent during the stormy night.
- Planinari su bili zatvoreni u malom šatoru tokom olujne noći.
The pandemic confined people to their homes, leading to feelings of isolation.
- Pandemija je zatvorila ljude u njihove domove, što je izazvalo osećaj izolacije.
The storm deprived us of electricity for several days. Oluja nas je lišila električne energije nekoliko dana. Poverty should not deprive children of their right to education. Siromaštvo ne sme uskraćivati deci njihovo pravo na obrazovanje. They were deprived of their freedom and kept in captivity. Oni su bili lišeni slobode i držani u zarobljeništvu. The accident deprived him of the ability to walk. Nesreća ga je lišila sposobnosti da hoda. Don't let fear deprive you of experiencing new opportunities. Nemoj dozvoliti strahu da te liši iskustva novih prilika. The dictator's regime deprived its citizens of basic human rights. Režim diktatora je lišio svoje građane osnovnih ljudskih prava. She felt deprived of love and affection in her childhood. Osećala se uskraćenom za ljubav i naklonost u detinjstvu. The economic crisis has deprived many families of their livelihood. Ekonomska kriza je lišila mnoge porodice sredstava za život. Being overprotective can sometimes deprive children...
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